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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Look Forward ^^

When we fail to accomplish a task, we feel sad. When you have a sad past, you feel sad. When you have made mistakes, you feel burdened. When we see failure, we feel stupid.

In life, there are success and failure. When we encounter failure, we feel sad. Yup, its impossible for us to say that it is alright. We feel bad. But, after we cry, stand up , and move forward. Never look backward. After we found out our mistakes, just learn from it and step up. 

Some people had a miserable past. Some due to friends, some due to families. Its quite difficult for a person to forget about the past. When we are down, we will think of it, just like a recorder. Today, if we ever think of these past, let's think forward. Let's say to yourself that I will make myself happy starting from today onwards.

Believe or not, if you look forward, make yourself happy, you will be succeed.

Never look backward, look FORWARD!