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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Never Ever GIVE UP!

Have you watched the video above? Although it looks blur, you can listen to it quite clearly.
What makes him look like the way he is today? Luck? Help from other people? Nope!

Because of his spirit, his NEVER GIVE UP spirit, he tries to get up again and again, that makes him the way he is today. If he gives up, do you think he can walk? Do you think he can do these type of performances?

It looks quite impossible to us that a person with no arms and legs can still give talks to students. But, he has proven that he can do it! Even for a person like him never give up, why should we?

We should learn his attitude. When we fall, we must get up again, never give up. Nothing is impossible unless you give up.

When we encounter problems, we can cry, but we cannot give up. Never lose hope as it is a rope that swings us through our life. The greatest mistake that we make is to give up. Life can never be easy. You will never know what will happen in the future. Only you can decide your success or failure. 

Thus, never give up!

Free e-book about 'Never ever ever ever give up': Get it here for free!

Quotes to share:

Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it. 
                                 ~ Oprah Winfrey

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. 
                                 ~ Thomas Alva Edison

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Positive Vs Negative Thoughts !

At times, we said: "Its hard. I can't do it!" or "Why is it got to be me! He is cleverer than me."
I used to think that I was very unlucky. When something goes wrong, I will think that why is it ME?
I used to see some of my friends said:"This type of hard thing doesn't suit me. Only XXX will do it!" or "Wah, I'm very scared. I can't do it. I'm very worry"

These are negative thoughts....

Our minds are actually an extremely powerful tool, and as you may have heard before, we only use a small portion of it every day. Our thinking has a great impact on our life. If we think positively , we will work hard for it. We will not regret in trying things. If we have a negative thoughts, we will never move forward. For example, If I think this is just one of the obstacles that I will be encounter, I can handle it. This is positive thinking. We must trust ourselves. If I think that this obstacle shouldn't appear in front of me, I'm surprise. This is negative thinking, and sadly, you will never succeed. To succeed, we need to take that gut feeling in what we believe, and act on it with all our heart. 

Thus, to succeed, we must think POSITIVEly!

So we must do our best to keep thinking that way. If you find yourself having a negative thought , please 

 STOP yourself immediately 

and change it to a positive one. Another way, is to surround yourself with positive people and stay well clear of negative ones. I'm not telling you to avoid your friends who have negative thoughts, but I'm asking you to transform your friends' mind from negative thoughts to positive ones.

Let's bring positive energy into your life together with your friends. 

A small change makes a great difference. 

                                    Let's do it together!

Check out more motivational cartoons here~~

Everyone is GREAT!

We tend to say: "Wow, that surgeon is great, he saves human life" or "That inventor is very great, if he doesn't invent this, we will not have a better life" or "I want to be a great doctor". 

The word "great" here is referred to distinguished, famous (Mandarin:伟大).

Let's think about it. When you are in the car or walking, you can see that there are many people doing different works. They have their own work to do. 
Have you ever have these in your mind:

What if....

There is no one selling fruits, vegetables, meats in the market or beside the road?

There is no one taking away our rubbish?

There is no one sweeping the leaves and rubbish thrown by the citizens?

There is no one selling food to us?

There is no one who is willing to drive a bus to transport us?

There is no one setting stalls to sell things?

There is no one who is willing to catch fish for us to eat?

You may think that the possibilities are low. Everyone needs money. Yup, it's true. But, some parents won't want their children to follow these difficult steps. Sometimes, in a television program, you can watch how the interviewers interview fishermen, hawkers, etc.. Most of them do not want their child to follow their path. That's why they are working so hard just to let their children to have a better education. Being a fisherman going out to the sea to catch fish is a risk. I have an example. One of my relatives is a fisherman. He said that there was a guy who went out to the sea to catch fish but never come back. His family has no idea where he has gone to. Do you think a parent would want his child to take this risk?

We have the opportunity to study. Therefore, graduates will normally aim for high salary work. Some people may even look down on those workers who sweep the floor, drive a bus, collect rubbish, sell food on the roadside. Imagine, without them, what will the country become? What about us? Rubbish everywhere, no food, no vegetables, no fruits, no fish to eat, no taxi, no bus and etc....

We want a clean country, we need the rubbish collectors, workers who sweep the floor, clean the toilet, aren't they GREAT?

We want to enjoy our food anywhere, anytime, aren't the food hawkers, fisherman, farmers GREAT?

We want to have a house, who build it for us? aren't the constructors? are they GREAT?

We want to reach our destination without the need to drive, who do we need? drivers. Aren't they GREAT too?

It's just that some of them are quite unlucky. We are the lucky one. We have the opportunity to study, that's why we can aim for the professions like doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, nutritionists, engineers, inventors... Some of them are not highly educated, but this doesn't mean that they choose to be like this. That doesn't mean that when they smile to us, we must run away from them. That doesn't mean that they are not friendly to us. 
When you see a toilet cleaner, when he or she smiles, will you give them a smile showing that they are great? or you just walk off.....

What I want to emphasize is, although everyone works just to earn money, everyone is great in different perspectives. We need each other to live in this country.

We need each other to be happy,

We need each other to stay healthy,

We need each other to leave a peaceful life,

We need each other to enjoy,

We need each other to fulfill what we want...

Therefore, EVERYONE is GREAT, including YOU!

Quotes to share:

"Everyone needs help from everyone."
- Bertolt Brecht